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General discussion of MAG / 勒庞很精明让泽穆尔
« Last post by kkshaha cnd on September 19, 2023, 01:27:16 am »

 因此,总统选举的投票成为人民对国家政府的唯一真正干预。而这种单一的干预就构成了一种放弃。人民的存在只是为了将权力交给一个人,这是君主政体的特征。 只要选举过程是由保守派右翼和社会主义左翼的反对派构成的,这一证据就可能被否认。众所周知,这种物质和想象的结构是如何随着我们事物秩序的第二个基本组成部分的干预而消失的:共识,即只有一种方式来治理我们的社会的共同证据。在弗朗索瓦·密特朗统治之初做出社会变革的伟大承诺之后,社会主义左派逐渐加入了这个时代唯一真正的革命,即将绝对资本主义法律强加于全世界的反革命。

这种反革命将经济利润变成了我们社会生活的唯一组织原则。它摧毁了构成 塞浦路斯电话号码表 左翼政党基础的社会力量以及为其提供纲领的财富再分配过程。所谓的社会主义左派最终完全坚持“别无选择”。这是玛格丽特·撒切尔和罗纳德·里根所谓的保守主义革命的公式,也是今天我们所有政府的公式:除了由世界金融大国决定并传递给我们的绝对资本主义法则之外,别无选择。

通过欧洲机构。没有其他选择,或者更确切地说,只有一种选择:如果这条法则未知,那么简单而简单的灾难就必然会发生。 因此,右翼/左翼的反对派失去了所有实质内容。如果除了局部遵守世界资本主义秩序的要求之外别无他法,一个政党就足够了:一个既不右也不左的政党,它就是权力政党。因此,人民宣布为了个人利益而放弃权力的过程,与他们认识到全球化资本主义秩序别无选择的过程是相同的。换句话说,人们所谓的表达自由选择的投票等同于承认实际上不存在选举。 将自由选择与完全没有选择等同起来似乎是一个无法解决的矛盾。不过,这个问题得到很好的解决,有一个充要条件:只要将要做出的“选择”等同于“非替代”逻辑所认可的唯一选择,即选择否认它不可避免地产生灾难的必要性。有必要在事物正常秩序一方和其对立面灾难一方之间做出选择。
Art Materials and Techniques / The entrepreneur is not born, he is made
« Last post by kkshaha cnd on September 16, 2023, 04:00:09 am »
 His marches and demonstrations knew how to combine red flags and banners with the hammer and sickle along with portraits of Stalin and icons of the Russian Orthodox Church, which made him a participant in the red-brown movement, which in Russia in the 1990s used to bring together who combined nationalist and leftist positions, such as the National Bolshevik Party led by Eduard Limonov16. On the other hand, its main leaders usually maintain homophobic and xenophobic positions, and although in theory it is presented as an opposition party to United Russia, Putin's party, in practice it often functions as a kind of informal ally.

The maintenance of the ideals – and practices – of a democratic left Phone Number List then relegated to a few movements of socialists, Trotskyists, anarchists and networks of a new left that remained dispersed and without national coordination. For its part, the recomposition of the labor movement and a more combative unionism made its way very slowly and with relative, although isolated, successes, such as in the strike at the Ford plant in Vsevolozhsk in 2007 and the road blockage in Pikalevo, in the Leningrad region, in 200917.

In recent years, other forms of self-organization have emerged, such as solitary picketing, a practice that consists of a single person demonstrating with a banner in a significant place in order to evade the multiple restrictions that exist for carrying out mass marches and demonstrations. Projects such as Ovd-Info also emerged, an independent organization founded in 2011 whose objective is to monitor cases of abuse of authority and politically motivated detentions and provide legal assistance.
General Discussion / The podcast magazine
« Last post by Abdur Rouf on September 12, 2023, 03:13:38 am »
Even more true crime when documentarian Morten Narvedsen is on the trail of a fraudster. DYNAMO  a new political conversation club. About hope and change and about how we become wiser while we change the world. Bearnaise is the King of the Beasts ... Food reviews straight to your ears. Every week author Martin Kongstad invites a current person to dinner and at the same time reviews the restaurant according to the  scale. Classics Retold ... digital literary first aid for those who dont have the time or energy to sit down and read all the great literary classics cover to cover.

In half an hour exciting guests retell books and you can listen along for free. Solopreneurcast which is about running your business alone. But with plenty of partners collaborators and customers. Eroticism Phone Number List humor and boys talk when famous Danish artists comedians and actors read erotic stories  De Gr Sider  aloud to each other Christian Fuhlendorff. there in the podcast What then goes for a walk with people he admires finds interesting or feels has something to offer.

Elektronista  if you cant get enough of digital culture social media online rumors technology new gadgets apps and news from the media world. Digital trend expert Christiane Vejl and her guests are a must hear about sound and listening created in collaboration between Seismograph and The Lake Radio . Pssst.. especially the episode The Voyager Golden Records is worth listening to if you ask Jacob Kreutzfeldt  who is Assistant Professor at Art and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen and part of the national LARM radio research project  where he has researched the aesthetics of radio reportage. The Chameleon Breeder podcast.
General Discussion / If what you want is to see what
« Last post by Raihan Seo on September 10, 2023, 03:40:17 am »
The data will not be transferr to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation. The electronic bulletins or newsletter are manag by entities. Whose headquarters and servers are locat within the territory of the. EU or manag by entities cover by the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement. Rights: Access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, as explain in the additional information.  as mandatory, it may result in not being able to fulfill the purpose for which it is request. Instagram is a social network that has different ways of monetization, some that are specific to the social network and others that are not, but that you can implement if you want Instagram to help you earn money.

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General Discussion / project contains and manages programs
« Last post by asim roy on September 09, 2023, 06:05:46 am »
Share Icon Project is a computer programming language that is widely used to create a range of computer programs (If you are not familiar with the basics of computer programming, you may want to check out this great tool designed specifically for non-programmers Great programming course). The language has been around for decades and is very popular among programmers because it allows for maximum control and efficiency while programming. is a so-called compiled programming language, which means that once you write a program, you need to run it through a compiler in order to convert it into something the computer can execute.

Basically, the program is the human-readable part, and the compiler generates the machine-readable executable form. (Programming Language) Top Courses Programming languages have many different advantages. First, you can read and write code for a large number of programs because it is Phone Number List compatible with many different platforms. The code is fast and efficient, and is relatively easy to understand and versatile; almost any type of software or operating system can be developed using . Additionally, if you wish to improve your skills as a programmer, it can provide the necessary foundation for learning other related programming languages. In fact, it was one of the first widely used programming languages.

Many languages borrow directly or indirectly from , including  and etc. is especially important if you want to learn and . For example, mastering the object-oriented programming language is much easier once you have a solid grasp of (check out this basic course for more information on ). In fact, without a basic understanding of , learning or is nearly impossible. So, in conclusion, if you are an aspiring programmer and don't know yet, you should start learning. Programming Language Students also learn that projects are an important part of programming languages. A  that are grouped together to create a single executable program or library.
General Discussion / Using them appropriately works they can
« Last post by Arfan hossen on September 05, 2023, 06:27:10 am »
Hashtags work for you Unfortunately many marketers tend to downplay the power of hashtags even though they are a fundamental part of the Instagram world thanks to them the content gains greater visibility among thousands of users who otherwise might not see it. Twitter and Facebook usually allow you to post links but Instagram doesn t so hashtags are essential for connecting with your followers although it will only be a matter of time.

 Instagram allows you to use a maximum of hashtags per post. Keep in mind when using hashtags to pay attention to their specificity and relevance .  dramatically increase reach especially if you use a few that are related to each other and Phone Number List recognized by your audience. When choosing them try to combine the right mix between popular trendy and topic related. Since they act as a search tool think about what your users might be searching for and include those keywords in your hashtag combination.

Include a powerful Call to Action Quite often getting your followers to do what you want can translate into simply asking them to do it. Some of the most popular Instagram CTAs for business are “Tag a friend in the comments” “Double tap if you like this post” and “Subscribe to newsletter”.
General Discussion / China has created the world's largest offshore wind turbine
« Last post by chandna rani on September 05, 2023, 03:19:42 am »
Among high-income respondents, 69% said they support Putin's decision (and only 17% reject it). Among low-income respondents, only 49% support it (and 31% were brave enough to say they don't support the invasion). Undoubtedly, the real level of discontent with aggression is much higher and will increase. The left wants to show society, including its working-class and poor strata, that it is not just pro-Western liberals led by the "middle-class opposition" who are against the war.

Such a distorted image is only Phone Number List to the Kremlin, which tries to present the current conflict as a collision of "civilizations" between Russia and the West (the constant adversary) with its "fifth column" on Russian soil. It is essential to show that the Russian workers have their own reasons for fighting for peace, that they are independent of the West. And that this peace will not mean a military defeat, a new national humiliation and a territorial division of Russia, but will return our country to its true owner: the working majority of the people.

The left must fight against the collective guilt complex that some liberal critics of Putin impose on the people. In the hands of official propaganda, this becomes a very effective tool of unity "around the national flag." The tragic truth is that the war launched by Putin is not a random adventure. The 30 years of post-Soviet history have led us to this catastrophe. Tremendous social inequality became the basis of dictatorship because, along with their control over property, the poorest majority lost their political voice. Shameful nationalist and xenophobic talk has been used over the years by most of the regimes that have come to power on the ruins of the Soviet Union.
General Discussion / Re: Thank You Eric
« Last post by ecw0647 on September 16, 2019, 09:24:09 pm »
You're welcome.  I hope everyone will find it useful.
General Discussion / Re: Thank You Eric
« Last post by GrannyFranny on September 16, 2019, 09:10:55 pm »
Big Thanks to Eric Welch for creating this forum. Great idea, 2 thumbs up!  :)

Eric, definitely appreciate this. Sometimes I don't think of things at meetings, so if I have a thought I feel is worth communicating, I now have a forum to do so ;)
General discussion of MAG / Re: Should there be a maximum number of members in MAG?
« Last post by GrannyFranny on September 16, 2019, 09:08:58 pm »
Some folks believe that increasing the number of members in MAG would dilute the membership and reduce the number of opportunities for others. Thoughts?

I'm not sure there are enough artists in this area that would make this a problem. Perhaps this is the kind of thing we can keep an eye on. At some point it might be an issue we need to consider, but right now people are don't appear to be knocking down the doors trying to get in. I don't know, however, what the member increase has been over the past year compared to the past 5 years. Anyone know this?
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